Is There Life After UCSF? (A Report on the GDAA's Recent Career Mentoring Dinner) The Graduate Division Alumni Association (GDAA) serves two constituencies: those who have graduated (alumni) and those who have yet to do so, including especially post-doctoral students who are at UCSF doing biomedical research. The latter will soon become the former and will head out into the "real world". What will they do when they get there? The GDAA brought together these two groups -- mentors and mentees -- to share the wisdom and experience of the former with the anxious and eager members of the latter to help find answers to this question. We know that the question is prominent; within five minutes of the event announcement email, the signup list was full and a waiting list was started. It's safe to say that there will be more of these events, with the next one perhaps as early as Spring, 2010. On the evening of September 23, 2009, the GDAA sponsored a meeting at Genentech Hall. Sixty Post-Docs sat down to a fine dinner with a dozen venerable and community-spirited alumni to discuss career options. There were tables for the biotech industry, medical writing, academia and research, and global health and policy, each headed by a Graduate Division alumnus or alumna who shared their substantial experience and insights. There was also a table for those we termed "clueless" -- current students who do not yet have a vision for where they might go after UCSF -- headed by Gail Schechter and Bill Linstaedt, Director, UCSF Office of Career and Professional Development. Half-way through the evening, everyone got up and moved to another table. Thus, attendees were able to investigate more than one career option. Discussions were spirited and wide-ranging. In their post-event evaluations, satisfaction was universally expressed. The event was deemed valuable and the efforts of the GDAA were much appreciated. In particular, thanks are due to Art Strosberg, PhD '70, whose energy and vision made this event happen. We of the GDAA are pleased to have this opportunity to serve and to help propel our future members toward careers that will without doubt prove stellar and satisfying. There is indeed much life after UCSF.